AACR2 Compatible
AACR2 Compatible Export of RDA Records 12 September 2013
If 040 $e = rda
Remove 040$erda
Change LDR/18 - a
Insert 245$h GMD as follows:
If 338 is: Export as 245$h:
audio cartridge [sound recording]
audio cylinder [sound recording]
audio disc [sound recording]
sound-track reel [sound recording]
audio roll [sound recording]
audiocassette [sound recording]
audiotape reel [sound recording]
computer card [electronic resource]
computer chip cartridge [electronic resource]
computer disc [electronic resource]
computer disc cartridge [electronic resource]
computer tape cartridge [electronic resource]
computer tape cassette [electronic resource]
computer tape reel [electronic resource]
online resource [electronic resource]
ressource en ligne [electronic resource]
aperture card [microform]
microfiche [microform]
microfiche cassette [microform]
microfilm cartridge [microform]
microfilm cassette [microform]
microfilm reel [microform]
microfilm roll [microform]
microfilm slip [microform]
microopaque [microform]
film cartridge [motion picture]
film cassette [motion picture]
film reel [motion picture]
film roll [motion picture]
filmstrip [filmstrip]
filmstrip cartridge [filmstrip]
overhead transparency [transparency]
slide [slide]
card no GMD
[equipment] [equipment]
flipchart [chart]
[kit] [kit]
object [realia]
roll no GMD
sheet no GMD
volume no GMD
video cartridge [videorecording]
videocassette [videorecording]
videodisc [videorecording]
videotape reel [videorecording]
In 250, abbreviate edition as ed.
First as 1st
Second as 2nd
Third as 3rd
Fourth as 4th
Fifth as 5th
Sixth as 6th
Seventh as 7th
Eighth as 8th
Ninth as 9th
Tenth as 10th
Change 264 1 or 0 to 260; change 264 2 or 3 to 260 $e($f$g)
Add 264 4 $c, following a comma, to 260$c.
In 260$a & $e abbreviate as follows; If not next to $a or $e; e.g.,
264$aNew York ..., 264$a[New York ... , or $aVictoria ...,
$a[Victoria ... would not be abbreviated, only ", New York", " [New
York]" or ", Victoria", " [Victoria]".
Alabama Ala.
Alaska Alaska
Alberta Alta.
Arizona Ariz.
Arkansas Ark.
Australian Capital Territory A.C.T.
British Columbia B.C.
California Calif.
Colorado Colo.
Connecticut Conn.
Delaware Del.
District of Columbia D.C.
Distrito Federal D.F.
Florida Fla.
Georgia Ga.
Hawaii Hawaii
Idaho Idaho
Illinois Ill.
Indiana Ind.
Iowa Iowa
Kansas Kan.
Kentucky Ky.
Louisiana La.
Maine Me.
Manitoba Man.
Maryland Md.
Massachusett Mass.
Michigan Mich.
Minnesota Minn.
Mississippi Miss.
Missouri Mo.
Montana Mont.
Nebraska Neb.
Nevada Nev.
New Brunswick N.B.
New Hampshire N.H.
New Jersey N.J.
New Mexico N.M.
New South Wales N.S.W.
New York N.Y.
New Zealand N.Z.
Newfoundland Nfld.
Newfoundland and Labrador N.L.
North Carolina N.C.
North Dakota N.D.
Northern Territory N.T.
Northwest Territories N.W.T.
Nova Scotia N.S.
Ohio Ohio
Oklahoma Okla.
Ontario Ont.
Oregon Or.
Pennsylvania Pa.
Prince Edward Island P. E.I.
Puerto Rico P.R.
Queensland Qld.
Rhode Island R.I.
Russian Soviet Federated R.S.F.S.R.
Socialist Republic
Saskatchewan Sask.
South Australia S. Aust.
South Carolina S.C.
South Dakota S.D.
Tasmania Tas.
Tennessee Tenn.
Territory of Hawaii T.H.
Texas Tex.
Union of Soviet U.S.S.R.
Socialist Republics
United Kingdom U.K.
United States U.S.
Utah Utah
Vermont Vt.
Victoria Vic.
Virgin Islands V.I.
Virginia Va.
Utah Utah
Vermont Vt.
Victoria Vic.
Virgin Islands V.I.
Virginia Va.
Washington Wash.
West Virginia W. Va.
Western Australia W.A.
Wisconsin Wis.
Wyoming Wyo.
Yukon Territory Yukon
In 300$a abbreviate volume/volumes as v.
pages as p.
In 300$b abbreviate
color/colour as col.
black and white as b&w
illustrations as ill.
photographs as photos.*
portraits/portrait as ports./port.
*"photographs" should only be used do describe mounted prints on light
sensitive paper, but is sometimes mistakenly used to describe reproduced photographs.